Being RESPONSIVE is not just a Customer Support function — it is the cornerstone of FusionOne’s success, and is clearly another core principle. We understand the healthcare environment and the importance of getting your system back up and running because of emergency situations and the cost to your practice.
To respond to your urgent needs, we have telephone support, where you will be connected to a live engineer who will work on your urgent matter in real-time. We offer an e-mail support option which is handled on a first-in, first-out basis and is picked up by the next available support person. We also offer support/help materials that you can access at any time.
Customer Care & Support
We view Customer Care & Support very differently than most companies.
You might be surprised to know that it is your call or e-mail to our support center that helps us make continual improvements to our technology, and in some cases, even give us new ideas for additional features or functions.
However, should you have an actual customer support issue you will be happy to know that you will speak directly with a FusionOne employee who will assume responsibility for the resolution of your support issue.
We track not only the number of calls and e-mails that come in, but also the nature of those calls and e-mails and our response-to-resolution time.
FusionOne understands the unique requirements of an Orthopaedic practice; that image availability is “Mission Critical” in order to keep clinic moving.
In addition to telephone and e-mail support, FusionOne employs technology. You are always online with us. We can remote into any workstation or device that is connected to our PACS to provide software updates, training or technical assistance.
FusionOne is always there to provide you with the assurance that you will be able to have the imaging data that you need to keep your practice moving.
Monday – Friday: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm CST
CALL 877.387.6300
Upon receiving your call you will speak directly with a qualified support person.
Be sure to include your name, the name of your practice and direct phone number.